ISAPS Archives

The Publications of ISAPS

1. “The International Microform Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery”

In 1971, Mario Gonzalez-Ulloa, Joseph A. Tamerin and Leo A. Bornstein, founded the “International Microform Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery”. The main purpose was to offer the microfiche for publication of new techniques without delay, thus protecting the right of the authors, and to publish large monographs with colour reproductions in a short space. Also a second, the “Microform Journal on History of Plastic and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery”, was founded.

The first microfiche (September 1971 by Ulrich Hinderer on Profiloplasty) was exhibited in a booth of the ISAPS at the ASPRS meeting on October 1971 in Montreal, Canada(103). The ISAPS adopted this means of publication, apart from the abstract books, for both congresses of the ISAPS in Rio de Janeiro, 1972, and in 1973 in Israel. After this last congress, also other papers were published in microfiche by Paul Striker, Technical Editor of the Journal, who followed the late Joseph A. Tamerin.

2. “Aesthetic Plastic Surgery”

At the EXCO meeting of September 8, 1974, in Barcelona(99), Dr. Mario Gonzalez-Ulloa discussed the inadequate number of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery papers published in the National Plastic Surgery Journals. Ulrich Hinderer discussed the possibility of publication of an ISAPS journal. The Executive Foundation gave Ulrich Hinderer permission to visit publishers in the United States for the purpose of exploring the possibility of an International Journal of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

In Paris, on August 24, 1975(51), Ulrich T. Hinderer, presented to the Executive Foundation his previous studies, a provisional contract with Springer-Verlag for publication of the journal “Aesthetic Plastic Surgery”, and proposals for the management of the Journal. In summary, Ulrich Hinderer felt that there was a need for publication of a journal devoted to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, that this journal should be published by ISAPS and not by any other group, and that it would contribute to strengthen the Society and the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for Plastic Surgeons(104).

A preliminary contract was worked out by Ulrich Hinderer with Springer-Verlag Heidelberg(105). This publisher was chosen due to the fact that other important publishers visited or contacted in the U.S.; in Great Britain, Germany and Spain were not interested, such as Butterworths, Charles C. Thomas or J.B. Lipincott. Others asked for a guarantee of at least 1,000 subscriptions at a minimal subscription fee of US $228 per year (W.B. Saunders, Co. Ltd.) or “a very high subscription fee, as advertisers prefer to spend the money locally (Mosby Co.)”.

Springer-Verlag offered four issues, each of 100 pages, at US $56, if ISAPS would subscribe a minimum of at least 700 copies. ISAPS would handle the subscription of its own members and of all individual members belonging to the IPRS for this preferential price. If the number of subscribers of ISAPS and IPRS members surpasses 700 copies, the price given to ISAPS would be much less for each additional 100 copies, corresponding only to the expenses for paper, printing and mailing, thus providing a substantial profit for the Treasury of the ISAPS. Springer-Verlag offered also to pay approximately $2,500 to the Managing Editor for expenses. Springer-Verlag would sell directly to libraries and subscribers other than ISAPS and IPRS members at a higher price. During the first two years, the number of 700 copies would include those sold by Springer-Verlag directly.

Maxine Shurter, who was first contacted, recommended Blair O. Rogers (Fig. 17) for the post of Managing Editor, who fortunately accepted. The President, President-Elect and Past Presidents were proposed for Senior Editors and the Secretary General and the Treasurer, Dr. Trudy Vogt, as Co-Editors, besides a Liaison Editor for Springer Verlag. The duties were also outlined.

After unanimous approval by the Executive Foundation and the General Assembly on August 24 and 25, 1975(51,65) the agreement was signed on August 25 by the new President Ulrich Hinderer and, for Springer-Verlag, by Dr. Dr. h.c. Heinz Götze. Additional agreements were signed in December 1975, 1980, 1982 and 1983.

At the EXCO on April 25, 1977, in Mexico(70), the Managing Editor, Blair O. Rogers, announced having received 786 paid subscriptions. At the EXCO on November 4, 1978 in Guadalajara (1978), already 1400(106) subscriptions had been made. From 1981 on, the subscription to the Journal was included in the membership dues(75,107,76).

In 1982 the journal changed its face thanks to the efforts made mainly by Blair O. Rogers, by Trudy Vogt and Gonzalez-Ulloa. The new art work of Hans Ernie(108,80), famous Swiss painter, was now used as cover for the Journal and received a first price in a German Book-Fair. In the last agreements with Springer-Verlag, since September 1982, the rights for the cover and also the name of the journal remain entirely the property of the ISAPS. Thanks to Nicholas Georgiade’s efforts, all of the articles are routinely printed in the Medlars monthly list of articles(6).

In 1989(90) 16 pages were added in the journal, with more ads, as well as papers on liposuction. The Liposuction Society(92,95,109) requested to make the Aesthetic Journal its Official Journal. This was not yet approved, as our Journal is an international journal and also devoted to the total scope of Aesthetic Surgery. However the pages of our Journal were offered for publication of lipoplasty papers and informations by the LSNA. Peter Fodor, Past President of the LSNA was included as Regional Editor and thereafter as Assistant Managing Editor. After 1992, the LSNA included the subscription to “Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” as part of their membership dues.

Thanks to the outstanding work and constant efforts made by the Managing Editor, Blair O. Rogers, but also to the professionality of Springer-Verlag and last but not least the excellent papers offered for publication by our members, our journal is not only highly appreciated for its quality but has become the second largest journal on Plastic Surgery in the world, and THE journal on Aesthetic Surgery.

3. Other publications made by or sponsored by ISAPS

Besides the “Blue Books” published since 1974 and Bulletins by the Presidents, ISAPS published in 1975 a booklet, edited by Mario Gonzalez-Ulloa, on Bibliographical References, with a film catalog and a survey on Aesthetic Plastic Surgery made by Michael Lewin. In 1984 a publication on “History of Aesthetic Surgery”, was also edited by Mario Gonzalez-Ulloa(106,83).

An outstanding 5-Volume Textbook, “Aesthetic Plastic Surgery” was sponsored by ISAPS and edited by Mario Gonzalez-Ulloa, James W. Smith, Rodolphe Meyer and Giancarlo Zaoli. The Textbook, with excellent iconography was written by 27 prominent members of ISAPS, and published by Piccin in 1987.