Board of Directors
The ISAPS Board of Directors are at the head of our Society – they are responsible for the overall good governance of the Company in its work towards fulfilling the ISAPS mission.
Committees and Education Council
ISAPS has 10 standing committees including an Education Council, 11 sub-committees, and 5 ad hoc committees and focus groups constituted of our own ISAPS members who volunteer to support the Society in the development and accomplishment of various projects and activities. Use the buttons on the right-hand side to find out more, and to view their respective member's lists.
Our committees are small groups of ISAPS surgeons that come together to offer their knowledge and expertise to fulfill the common purpose of their chosen committee.
Education Council
The mission of the ISAPS Education Council (EC) is to achieve the organization and dissemination of Aesthetic Education Worldwide®.

National Secretaries
The ISAPS National Secretaries assist the Executive Office and the Board of Directors, communicating on their behalf with ISAPS members and other aesthetic plastic surgeons in their country.

Executive Staff Team
The collaborative efforts of our diverse team allows for the seamless co-ordination of the Society behind the scenes and around the clock.

Past Presidents
Thank you to all the individuals who have served as President, lending ISAPS your expertise and guidance in pursuit of ISAPS' mission and strategic priorities.
Get Involved and Support ISAPS
There are many ways to get involved with ISAPS to support your Society and contribute to your specialty.