Preparing for surgery
When preparing for your cosmetic surgery abroad, it is important to plan for your recovery and aftercare, along with the possibility of complications. Your surgeon should help you understand what to expect and assist in this planning.
Recovery & Aftercare
Recovery and aftercare requirements will depend on your specific surgery and your surgeon’s recommendations. To have the best possible outcome, read our general advice on recovery and aftercare.
How will travel impact my surgical outcome?
Even without surgery, sitting for long periods of time, such as during a long airplane flight or car ride, increases the risk for deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs) and pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs). After surgery, these concerns are compounded by the fact that you may have difficulty standing and need to limit pressure on the surgical area by repositioning your body or face regularly. Find out how long you need to wait before traveling home and follow your surgeon’s advice.
Even when surgery is properly performed, complications are a possibility of all types of surgery and it is important to develop a plan for your care ahead of time. Before your surgery, questions to ask your surgeon may include:
- Where do I go if an emergency arises before I return home?
- Can I call you if I have concerns after surgery?
- Are you affiliated with any clinics in my home country that I can go to for follow-up care?
- Who will pay for secondary or revision procedures?
- Do you have insurance that will cover complications?

Make a plan
A well formulated plan is vital for considering surgery abroad. Click the link below to explore items your plan should cover, including a handy planning checklist.