What is the surgeon’s training?
Verify that the surgeon is trained and experienced in performing the procedure you are considering. Choosing a gynecologist for a breast augmentation or a dermatologist for a face lift may be a risky decision.
Is the plastic surgeon certified?
In order to become a member of ISAPS, surgeons must be accepted by the national plastic surgery society in the country in which they currently practice. Read more information about choosing your surgeon and find a plastic surgeon trained, experienced and certified to perform your procedure
Is the surgeon a member of recognized national and international plastic surgery societies?
ISAPS membership ensures both. ISAPS is the largest international society of individual plastic surgeons. Membership is by invitation and is granted to applicants only after extensive screening. You have the right to know if the surgeon is a member of his/her national plastic surgery society, is a board-certified (or the equivalent in that country) plastic surgeon and is properly trained to perform the procedure you are considering.
Do the key personnel at the surgeon’s office speak your language fluently?
If you cannot be easily understood, be prepared for complications.
With whom are you communicating?
You should be talking directly with the doctor’s staff and the doctor. A travel agent should only make travel and lodging arrangements.
Have you checked the surgeon’s references?
Ask for names and contact information of patients who have recently had similar procedures and contact them about their experience with the surgeon, his/her staff, aftercare facilities and post-operative follow-up.
Do the surgeon and his/her facility use a safety checklist?
The World Health Organization (WHO) developed a 19-question surgical safety checklist that, when implemented, can reduce surgical complications and surgical deaths. This simple checklist, much like a pilot’s pre-flight checklist, can be used in a variety of surgical settings without additional costs. Ask if your surgeon uses the WHO checklist and che
Is the plastic surgeon’s clinic or hospital accredited or certified?
Ask for certification information and the name of the certifying body when assessing a surgical setting. As regulations vary from country to country, choosing an accredited clinic or hospital means that the facility has passed a comprehensive evaluation and operates in accordance with patient safety standards.