If you wish to offer an ISAPS Endorsed Course, Official Course, Symposium, or F.A.S.T. Program please read the Educational Guidelines before submitting an application form to the Education Council.
ISAPS Education Council works closely with ISAPS members, ISAPS National Secretaries and National Societies to ensure their involvement and full support of these educational activities.
The Education Council Guidelines apply to all educational events, in all formats, including webinars.

ISAPS Endorsed Course
A stand-alone event that can be of varying duration. The Educational Council approves all applications and can assist in providing speakers. ISAPS Endorsement is a valued and respected seal of excellence and we encourage all applicable programs to apply for Endorsement and proudly display the ISAPS Endorsed logo after program approval.

ISAPS Symposium
A full-day or half-day Symposium is a short didactic program with ISAPS speakers. It can be part of a national meeting and has the option of being organized on a separate day before or after the meeting or within the national meeting.

ISAPS F.A.S.T. Program
An educational program which is a foundational surgical course covering the fundamental concepts of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. It is oriented towards younger qualified plastic surgeons who are still in training or have practised for less than five years. The F.A.S.T. program is divided into three modules taught over a period of one year.

ISAPS Official Course
Organized in conjunction with the Educational Council Chair. A course can be coupled with a national or other major meeting but should be independent. Courses should have at least 50 participants and can include live surgery, cadaver dissection and may be run in concert with the Visiting Professor Program if all requirements of said program are realized.