ISAPS - APS Journal Club -nbsp A 7-Step Guide to High-Definition LiposuctionSaturday - May 18th 2024 - 13:00 UTCThe ISAPS - APS Journal Club sessions are webinars that focus on a featured topic drawn from recent publications in APS where we hold in-depth discussions between authors and subject experts Attendees are also able to contribute to the discussion by asking questions to the author and subject experts Join moderator Alvaro Cansancaonbspto discuss the following paper:nbspA 7-Step Guide to High-Definition Liposuctionnbsp-nbspAthanasios Athanasiou Maria Siozou Nikolaos Maltzaris Foteini Neamonitou and Georgios Rempelos Speaker:nbspAthanasios Athanasiou Md Greece Experts:nbspKai Schlaudraff Md Switzerland Alexandra Condegreen United States and Mario Mendanha Md Portugal Moderator:nbspAlvaro Cansancao Md Brazil

ISAPS - APS Journal Club - A 7-Step Guide to High-Definition Liposuction
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