Saturday - March 23rd 2024 - 13:00 UTCISAPS - APS Journal Club - A New Technique in Calf VolumizationThe ISAPS - APS Journal Club sessions are webinars that focus on a featured topic drawn from recent publications in APS where we hold in-depth discussions between authors and subject experts Attendees are also able to contribute to the discussion by asking questions to the author and subject expertsJoin moderatornbspAlejandro Monsalvenbspto discuss the following paper:nbspA New Technique for Remodelling and Increasing the Diameter of the Legs through Lipotransfer and Vertical Subcutaneous Fasciotomy of the Posterior Tibial Aponeurosisnbsp- Ignacio Antildeorve BorquezSpeaker:nbspIgnacio Antildeorve Borquez Md MexicoExperts:nbspJesus Benito Ruiz Md Spain andnbsp Huseyin Guner Md TurkiyeModerator:nbspAlejandro Monsalve Colombia

ISAPS - APS Journal Club - A New Technique in Calf Volumization
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