Join our speakers as they take us through the basics in breast reduction and post-MWL Come ready with questions to ask our experts directly about this topicnbspSpeakers:nbspGustavo Jimenez Munoz Ledo Md MexiconbspHisham Al Minawi Md EgyptnbspTiago Baptista-Fernades Md Portugal andnbspNawaf Otaibi Md Saudi ArabiaModerators: Rieka Taghizadeh Md United Kingdom and Daniel Comparini Res Argentina LecturenbspTopics:Ideal Breast Reduction Based in Anatomy -nbspGustavo Jimenez Munoz Ledo Md MexicoPlanning and Marking for Breast Reduction -nbspHisham Al Minawi Md EgyptBreast Reshaping in MWL Patients - Tiago Baptista-Fernades Md PortugalAugmentation Mastopexy in MWL Patients: Things To Consider - Nawaf Otaibi Md Saudi Arabia

Residents webinar: Basics in Breast Reduction and Post-MWL
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