Join our speakers as they take us through the basics of non-invasive facial procedures Come ready with questions to ask our experts directly about this topicnbspSpekers: Dr Silvia Espinosa MacedanbspMdnbspDr Thomas RapplnbspMd Dr Fabian Cortinas Md and Dr Loai AlsalminbspMdModerators: DrnbspAurelie Fabie Boulard Md and Dr Rocio Jara Contreras ResLECTURE TOPICS:Facial Harmonization key points with fillers on Botulinum Toxins ndash Dr Silvia Espinosa MacedaMinimal Invasive Treatments Why is it important for plastic surgeons - Dr Thomas RapplDiluted HA for soft tissue imperfections - Dr Fabian Cortinasnbsp nbsp nbsp nbspnbspPermanent fillers of the Face algorithm approach study of 25 serial cases in 6 yearsnbsp- Dr Loai Alsalminbsp nbsp

Resident Webinar: Non-Invasive Facial Procedures Update
- $0.00
- $100.00
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