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ISAPS - APS Journal Club - Chest Wall Masculinization Surgery

The ISAPS - APS Journal Club sessions are webinars that focus on a featured topic drawn from recent publications in APS where we hold in-depth discussions between authors and subject experts Attendees are also able to contribute to the discussion by asking questions to the author and subject expertsJoin our Moderator Gustavo Abrile Md to discuss the following paper: lsquoUnderstanding Public Perceptions of Nipple and Scar Characteristics After Chest Wall Masculinization Surgeryrsquorsquo ndash Benjamin Rahmani John B Park Oluwaseun D Adebagbo Jose A Foppiani Sasha Nickman Daniela Lee Samuel J Lin Adam M Tobias and Ryan P CauleySpeaker: Ryan Cauley Md Harvard University USAExperts: Raphael Sinna Md France and Pablo Huber Md BrazilModerator: Gustavo Abrile Md Argentina