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ISAPS in the Media

As part of ISAPS' mission to advocate for the specialty and for patient safety, we recently participated in a session organized by the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), discussing the implications of beauty and aesthetic standards on contemporary work practices. President-Elect, Lina Triana, explained that aesthetic and plastic surgery is unique for each individual, and that it contributes to the well-being of patients, increases their quality of life, and helps them feel empowered. See what she had to say here:


Similarly, President-Elect Lina Triana was interviewed for an article on Bloomberg News that highlighted the importance of patients' safety when choosing a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon for gluteal fat grafting (BBL). She referred to ISAPS' Global Survey and to the consensus on this procedure which mandates that fat may only be injected into the subcutaneous space and must never cross the gluteal fascia, and prohibits intramuscular or submuscular fat injections.

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ISAPS is developing its leadership status in aesthetics, which is one of our key strategic objectives. In another recent article published in USA Today (with an approximate daily readership of 2.6 million) our Board Member and former ISAPS President, Renato Saltz, spoke about safety when travelling for surgery.

You can go anywhere. Just make sure you do your homework and go to (a surgeon) that is well-trained and respected."


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