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Humanitarian Crisis in Israel and Gaza

ISAPS condemns the unprecedented horrific attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens. We are deeply saddened and concerned by the tragic and ongoing loss of lives, and the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We call for every effort to prevent further violence and devastation. 

At ISAPS, we describe ourselves as an international family, and we value our unity: working together as doctors, across international borders, irrespective of culture, religion, or history, for the safety of our patients. As a family, we are stronger together, and we also call on our member community to stand united for a cessation of the hostilities that continue to destroy both lives and livelihoods.  

Our deepest condolences go out to all who are directly affected.  

Thank you to those who have reached out to offer support.  At the moment, the priority is to secure aid access, and ISAPS joins the international agencies calling for the entry of humanitarian assistance, food, water, fuel, medicine, and medical equipment to the region to be facilitated urgently. 

While ISAPS is unable to provide direct medical aid in areas of conflict, if you would like to contribute immediately and directly to the crisis, you may wish to consider a donation to one of the organizations that maintain relief efforts to help civilians in regions affected, such as ICRC, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP), or UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency.  Our Humanitarian Committee is keeping closely in touch with the situation and will advise if volunteering opportunities arise.