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ISAPS Family Stronger Together: Celebrating World Plastic Surgery Day

This year, as we commemorate World Plastic Surgery Day on July 15, we want to remind our members how valuable they are and share our appreciation for every one of them. This dedicated day allows us to extend our gratitude to all our members and share what it means to be a part of our specialty and our society — we cannot be ISAPS without our members. You are not just a part of ISAPS, you are the heart of it.

Here are some descriptions from members on what it means to be a part of ISAPS: 

A privilege … an esteemed society … organized and up-to-date … deepens operative knowledge … opportunities for continuing education … a global community of respected professionals … commitment to delivering the highest standards of patient care … at the forefront of advancements in the field … a unique opportunity for professional development … strong roots in tradition but with an eye to the future … the privilege of being part of a family … 


Check out our Instagram Story Highlight featuring our members proudly wearing ISAPS-branded surgical caps. Distributed at the recent ISAPS World Congress in Cartagena, these caps symbolize our unity and pride, a sign of belonging to the #ISAPSFamily. Let's honor the incredible work of aesthetic plastic surgeons worldwide!  


The annual ISAPS meetings are a testament to the strong sense of camaraderie shared among our members. These meetings provide us with the chance to come together, learn, and most importantly, be part of the #ISAPSFamily. It's not just about professional development, it's about building relationships and being part of a community that supports and uplifts each other. 

If you're not yet a member, we invite you to join us today. By becoming a part of ISAPS, you'll meet your extended #ISAPSFamily a community that works together, takes action, and shares knowledge. Together, we are stronger, and your membership will not only benefit you professionally but also contribute to the growth and strength of our Society. 

#isapsplasticsurgeons #ISAPSfamily


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