Best Choices, Best ResultsThe time arrives when we must make a decision, and it's time to embark on our professional journey. At this juncture, self-awareness is perhaps the most potent tool for making an informed choice. Factors such as personal interests, skills, values, and life expectations must be considered. EMPLOYEE OR ENTREPRENEUR However, a fundamental dichotomy arises between being an employee or an entrepreneur. The former offers stability and benefits in exchange for reduced autonomy and limited growth. Conversely, the entrepreneur seeks independence and the construction of a personal project, assuming greater risks but with the potential for unlimited growth. This choice is not static; it can evolve over time and in various circumstances. What is crucial is having clarity about one's personal and professional goals to make decisions that align with them. UNIQUE ADVANTAGES AND CHALLENGES We must choose a trajectory calibrating our values, skills, and expectations. Both the employee and entrepreneur options offer unique advantages and challenges. The key is to find a balance between personal and professional life that allows us to achieve fulfillment and satisfaction. Ultimately, the choice will depend on our personality, our goals, and our willingness to take risks. New graduates have a unique opportunity to design their future. They have an open book and write their chapters how they want, without having any influence at this stage in their professional development. Then there are those individuals who have been in the field for some time and lack a clear vision; they should consider whether to continue the same path or make adjustments. LEGACY AND TRAINING These two varying perspectives suggest that those with more experience should ponder how to leave a legacy and become leaders in their field by participating in the training of new talent. One of the most gratifying ways to wrap up one's career is to teach new generations how to overcome difficulties; this is how we create an effect and can have the most impact – today and for years to come. Juan Sierra, MD – COLOMBIA |
This article was published in the December President’s eMagazine.