The pre-recorded live surgery program is now available!
Join us on June 11, 2024, for our pre-congress program which will feature chaired sessions with presentations of streaming live surgeries from top surgeons on the face and body. Delegates can participate in our interactive discussions about techniques and procedures that can be directly applied to their practice.
The surgeries will take place at Capri Surgery Center, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, and streamed to the Las Américas Convention Center.
The program will be led by:
- Alfredo Hoyos, Scientific Director Body
- Ozan Sozer, Scientific Director Face
- Javier Soto, Local Scientific Organizer
- Johanna Poveda and Alfredo Caro, Anesthesiologist, and
Medical Director Capri Clinic, Local Organizers
For more details, and to register, please visit the Congress website.
*Note: a separate registration is required for all pre-congress activities.