Founders and Charter Members
ISAPS Founders, Honorary Members and Charter Members
ISAPS Annual Global Survey
Accommodation bookings for the Olympiad World Congress 2025, Singapore are offered only through direct bookings on our website. Beware of scams!
Join our Journal Club Webinar this Saturday, March 29th
ISAPS Founders, Honorary Members and Charter Members
ISAPS can look back with pride on a 25-year history since the first draft of the Constitution and Bylaws was made in São Paulo on October 1-4, 1969, and on the accomplishment of the goals as summarized in the Act of Organization on February 12, 1970, at the Headquarters of the United Nations.
This site was chosen to reaffirm the international scope of the Society.
The Founding and following EXCO Members, always backed by the General Assemblies, guided the Society in a straight direction. As a result, Aesthetic Surgery has become a respected field of Medicine, represented by a responsible body of Plastic Surgeons.