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Welcome Letter

from Dr. Andre Auersvald & Dr. Ahmad Saad - ISAPS Education Council Chair and Vice Chair


Welcome Letter from the ISAPS Education Council

In a unique collaborative effort, the 2024-2026 Education Council will serve ISAPS members in a multitude of ways. We encourage you to take advantage of the education offerings affiliated with your ISAPS Membership and to serve as a personal ambassador of excellence in the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery through the promotion of our educational offerings.

Our Education Council Team is working to guarantee that the Education Council serves the membership by presenting cutting edge webinars, offering Journal Club discussions of value and ensuring that the Endorsement of ISAPS member programs is done with care and consideration.

The Events Calendar should serve as your ‘go-to” location to keep yourself up to date on the educational programs offered in conjunction with your membership. Resident Webinars, held by our esteemed members, reflect the teaching arm of our program offerings. We are proud to receive post course evaluations which reflect satisfaction which exceeds expectations! ISAPS Journal Club Online presentations are already listed for your planning purposes, and we are sure you will agree with those who have taken part in the past that these educational discussions are an invaluable source of information and knowledge.

The Education Council is best known for the Endorsement of Member Programs, Symposia and Official Courses. A review of the official guidelines has already been accomplished and the inclusions for each category of endorsement aligned with the requests from members. We have made the application process more user friendly and you can now complete the online applications in an efficient manner. We encourage you to apply for the very prestigious ISAPS endorsement and have our marketing team work for you in the promotion of your event! ISAPS endorsement has always been known as the seal of excellence and we look forward to working with more and more members each year to extend this designation to individual programs. Most importantly, prior to application completion, we are happy to help you decide if you best apply for endorsement, symposia designation or if your content would be appropriate as an Official Course.

The Visiting Professor Program is an integral part of the Education Council responsibilities, and we are so proud of the designated faculty who is willing to travel to remote locations in order to share their knowledge and expertise. The many testimonials from attendees, highlighted in our social media, is a tribute to the extensive organization and stipulations making each program unique, location appropriate and a source of excellent education. 

We both look forward to increasing the scope and reach of the Education Council during the years of our tenure and pledge to serve the membership of ISAPS by offering excellent educational opportunities.

Dr. Andre Auersvald & Dr. Ahmad Saad

ISAPS Education Council Chair and Vice Chair on behalf of the ISAPS Education Council