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ISAPS F.A.S.T. Program Application

In order to gain approval for your course to be approved by ISAPS, please read the contents of this page carefully and complete the form below.

What is the ISAPS F.A.S.T. Program?

An educational program which is a foundational surgical course covering the fundamental concepts of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. It is oriented towards younger qualified plastic surgeons who are still in training or have practised for less than five years. The Fundamental Aesthetic Surgery Training (F.A.S.T) program is divided into three modules taught over a period of one year.

Application Form

Please note that approval of a F.A.S.T. Program is not approval to provide attendees with Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit.

You must apply for accreditation to the appropriate organization.


This application can only be accepted for programs that meet the following criteria:

  1. Each ISAPS F.A.S.T. Program should ideally be organized under the auspices of the National Plastic or Aesthetic Surgery Society of the country. 
  2. Modules will be divided into three sections (Face - Breast - Body) and conducted in one calendar year and full program logistical details must be submitted to the EC for approval with the same initial application form.
  3. The duration of each module will be of 2-3 days depending on the content.
  4. The Scientific Program of the Modules will be exclusively designed by the ISAPS EC and will be standardized for each module.
  5. Faculty selection for ISAPS F.A.S.T. Programs is exclusively provided by the EC to meet high standards of training and teaching, including ISAPS members who are renowned professors with academic activity and dedication to the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery specialty.

Read the ISAPS Education Guidelines

Fees and Reimbursements

ISAPS Fees for the F.A.S.T. Program will be gradually discounted for every module, payable two months prior to each. ($10,000 - $8,000 - $6,000 totaling $24,000 for the complete F.A.S.T. series.) Programs supported by ISAPS Global Alliance Member Societies are eligible for a 10% discount.

Registration fees for participants are at the discretion of the local organizers. Industry can be invited to sponsor the program. Income generated from this program will be collected by the local organizing committee and distributed at their discretion.

The faculty reimbursement policy for ISAPS Professors is the responsibility of the local organizers. This requires that the organizers provide full travel expenses, in any class of service agreed upon between the EC and the local organizers, airport transfers, hotel accommodations and hospitality for the whole period of each module (and VPP if combined).

Certificates and Benefits for the Participants

On completion of the full program, the ISAPS Education Council will grant special certificates to the participants. Separate certificates will also be granted for each module, but ISAPS benefits (see below) to the participants apply only if the full program is attended and completed.

CME accreditation or equal national accreditation by an official medical body or society is obligatory for the F.A.S.T. Program and is the responsibility of the local organizers.

Participants who complete the program will receive the following benefits:

  • 10% dues discount for the first year of ISAPS membership if they are not yet ISAPS members.

  • Existing active ISAPS members are eligible for a 20% discount on their membership fee for the year following the completion of the program.

The ISAPS EC will provide any ISAPS Global Alliance member society that officially supports this program with a special certificate of acknowledgement.

Enclose all the following items with your completed application:

  • A letter or email confirming the agreement of the National Plastic or Aesthetic Society in your country, if applicable.
  • Proposed special topics if not included in the standardized EC program including 1-2 local faculty speakers. Specify that the program will be restricted only to plastic surgeons.
  • List of Organizing Committee members including at least one member of ISAPS.
  • Copy of publicity brochure in accordance with the Education Council ISAPS F.A.S.T. Guidelines that includes attendance restriction statement. A draft is acceptable.

    AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PROGRAM – a verified list of participants who completed all three modules, including name, address and email, MUST be sent to the Executive Office within one week.

Apply Here