Back to Olympiad Singapore 2025

Scientific Program

Discover the exciting scientific program of the ISAPS Olympiad World Congress and join us, and Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons from all over the world, in Singapore in June 2025. Symposia, courses, free paper communications, faculty talks, masterclasses, invited presentations, and awards for the best papers!

Residents' Symposium

Open to all registered resident delegates.

More information will be available soon.

ISAPS almost live: A journey from cadaver anatomy to surgery

This symposium provides a video refresher and update of surgical anatomy relevant to the various anatomical regions on cadavers, and provides a concise summary of related non-surgical and surgical procedures through carefully curated surgical videos. 

This will be done in the form of a video panel discussion, with experienced faculty leading the discussion and Q&A.  The videos will be presented by various experts in their fields.

ISAPS almost live will take place on Wednesday, June 18, 2025 and in order to attend you will need to book it separately when registering for the Congress.

More information soon.

Rhinoplasty simulation workshop

Limited places available. More information soon.

This workshop is supported by Osteopore 

Women's Symposium

The ISAPS Women Surgeon’s Committee invites you to attend the 8th Panel Session of the Global Alliance for Women Leaders in Aesthetics.

Target audience: All welcome, suitable for early career to established surgeons looking to maximise leadership impact within their practice

More information will be available soon.

Aesthetic Insights: Lunch with an Expert

Join us for an exclusive opportunity during the ISAPS Olympiad World Congress 2025 in Singapore. Dive into in-depth discussions, and connect on a personal level with leading experts in your field, over a relaxed buffet-style lunch. 

These intimate sessions have limited capacity and are exclusively available to in-person delegates. Each table will be hosted by one of our esteemed ISAPS faculty.

More information will be available soon.