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Residents' Symposium

The Residents' Symposium of the ISAPS Olympiad World Congress 2025, Singapore, will take place during the Pre-Congress on June 18.


The Residents' Symposium, open to all ISAPS residents, is a didactic informal walk through of some of the key areas of aesthetic plastic surgery with our ISAPS experts.

Sub-Theme for #ISAPS2025: Assessment and Techniques of Aesthetic Surgery

Please note the program below is subject to changes.

Main topics:

  1. Debatable social media content in ethical perspective
  2. The pendulum between facelift and non-surgical procedures
  3. Demystifying tuberous breast and applying breast lift techniques
  4. Cross-learning on Western and Oriental upper blepharoplasty
  5. Cross-learning on Western and Asian rhinoplasty
  6. Applications of stem cells in aesthetic surgery: current state and the future

Join us in Singapore from $450

Session 1

Topic: Debatable social media content in ethical perspective
Moderator: Dr Zekeriya Tosun/ Dr Luen Koh Khai

  1. Ethical concerns on aesthetic practice – Dr Theddeus Prasetyono
  2. Appearance in social media: education or selling? – Dr Yijie Ho (Resident, Singapore)
  3. How I create the content and manage the account – Dr Sare Demirtaş (Resident, Turkiye)
  4. Panel discussion with Dr Amira Danila (Resident, Indonesia) and Dr Khoo Phong Jhiew (Resident, Malaysia) 

Session 2

Topic: The pendulum between facelift and non-surgical procedures
Moderator: Dr Alejandro Monsalve/ Dr Way Ng 

  1. Thread and its influence for facial rejuvenation – Dr Mariam Tsivsivadze
  2. Facial rejuvenation: The path from non-surgical to facelift – Dr Iris Brito
  3. Complicated neck lift after non-surgical treatments – Dr Jerry O’Daniel
  4. Q&A

Session 3

Topic: Demystifying tuberous breast and applying breast lift techniques
Moderator: Dr Juan Sierra/ Dr Juan E Martinez

  1. Superomedial breast pedicle inverted-T scar mastopexy and its modifications – Dr Karthik Ramasamy
  2. Surgical maneuvers for correcting tuberous breast – Dr Gustavo Jimenez
  3. Deconstruction and reconstruction of tuberous breast – Dr Rieka Taghizadeh
  4. Q&A

Session 4

Topic: Cross-learning on Western and Oriental upper blepharoplasty
Moderator: Dr Luis Mastronardi/ Dr Elida S Siburian

  1. Ethnic anatomical differences between the aging Western and Oriental lower eyelid – Dr Matthew Yeo
  2. Tips and tricks of lower eyelid rejuvenation – Dr Luis Mastronardi
  3. Natural aesthetic concept of blepharoplasty and the trends of periorbital beautification - Dr Lok Huei Yap
  4. Q&A

Session 5

Topic: Cross-learning on Western and Asian rhinoplasty
Moderator: Dr Zekeriya Tosun/ Dr Doga Kuruoglu

  1. How to debulk the tip and address the amorphous nasal tip and dorsum – Dr Aditya Aggarwal
  2. Meticulous approach to tip projection in different noses – Dr Mohammed HH Rostami
  3. Rib cartilage technique for Asian rhinoplasty – Dr Teuku Adifitrian
  4. The most common techniques that you need in rhinoplasty – Dr Haldun Kamburoglu

Session 6

Topic: Regenerative medicine in aesthetic surgery: current state and the future
Moderator: Dr Theddeus Prasetyono/ Dr Katarina Andjelkov

  1. Regenerative surgery: Where we are, what works, and what next – Dr Katarina Andjelkov
  2. Following the principles of fat grafting to optimize graft take – Dr Alexandra Condé-Green
  3. Stem cells and secretome for rejuvenation and revitalization – Dr Kotaro Yoshimura
  4. Breast augmentation reimagined: the role of cultured stem cells in fat grafting assisted by emerging technologies – Dr Aris Sterodimas
  5. Q&A