Endorsing Partners
Information about Endorsing Partners for the ISAPS World Congress 2022, Istanbul.
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Information about Endorsing Partners for the ISAPS World Congress 2022, Istanbul.
Bangladesh Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BSAPS) is formed by members who are all qualified plastic surgeons, interested in the practice of aesthetic plastic surgery. BSAPS is committed to the practice of safe aesthetic surgery - which can only be ensured by training qualified plastic surgeons, and also providing a safe environment where the surgeries should be performed. BSAPS have already started conducting meetings and aesthetic surgery workshops in the country. Topics like Fascia Scarpa Sparing Lipoabdominoplasty, Autoaugmentation Mastopexy and Rhinoplasty has been touched. Non surgical procedures like Botox, Lasers and Microneedling has also been included in the workshops. BSAPS has been officially registered in the Joint Stock Companies and Firms of Bangladesh in November 2019. In addition to 31 local members BSAPS has a number of overseas members as well. BSAPS fully endorse the view of ISAPS, that residents in plastic surgery should be allowed more exposure to aesthetic surgery during their residency period. For this reason we happy that plastic surgery residents can now become Resident Members for free. We have planned to publish BSAPS Journal twice a year, where our members will write articles in order to share their experiences in aesthetic surgery. The first issue is already published and the second and third issues will be out this year. During the ISAPS Symposium in Bruges, Belgium in October 2019, BSAPS signed an agreement and became an ISAPS Global Alliance member. With this alliance we will feel encouraged to uphold the global standards in the practice of safe aesthetic surgery in our country. In March 2020 ISAPS decided to conduct an educational Course in Dhaka. But due to Covid pandemic the program had to be postponed indefinitely. We are now looking forward to setting a new date for this event in Bangladesh. We are extremely happy to become an endorsing partner of ISAPS World Congress to be held in Istanbul this September 2022.
Bulgarian Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (BULAPRAS) is the official medical organization of plastic surgeons in Bulgaria. BULAPRAS was founded in 2000 and currently represents 51 active members (certified plastic surgeons) and 18 associated (plastic surgery residents). BULAPRAS aims to provide quality and safe medical services in the scope of plastic and aesthetic surgery in our country. The association supports the education and training on plastic surgery by organizing various scientific activities, including regular thematic meetings and trainees annual award for best scientific presentation. BULAPRAS is an active partner of all governmental structures and institutions in favour of composition and actualization of plastic surgery medical standards, code of ethics, rules for best medical practice and other regulatory documents. Bulgarian Society of plastic surgeons is motivated to promote our specialty and maintain high quality of patient care through continuous education, innovations and ethics.
The goal of serving aesthetic plastic surgeons has always been the philosophy of ESAPS and we are reaching out to all trained plastic surgeons in Europe to provide them with information, training and education on the following core subjects: Patient Safety: This aspect should be the core of every plastic surgeons daily activity. Cross border surgery and the fact that non specialized doctors and other figures are carrying out delicate procedures, has brought around the need to have tight regulation regarding the safety of our patients. ESAPS is developing guidelines and documents that will be useful for your daily practice. Through our platform RPS REAL PLASTIC SURGEONS patients have the possibility to check the qualifications of their surgeons before deciding to undergo surgery. Education of European plastic surgeons: It is one of our goals to develop a forum with experts in different fields of aesthetic plastic surgery for ESAPS members to discuss adverse results and complications. Biennial meetings will be organized in the future and regular webinars are available throughout the year. Advocacy in all European Regulatory matters: Strength in numbers is very true. Comparing and sharing information and statistics is a focal point for ESAPS. We can speak on behalf of those countries that do not have a National Societies for aesthetic plastic surgeon and we join hands with all the National Societies to bring our speciality the opportunity to make the environment safer for our patients and accelerate the diffusion of important news regarding regulatory or certification matters.
The Association of German Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons is the largest association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons in Germany and was founded in 1995 in Leipzig. VDAEPC full members are board certified Plastic Surgeons with a focus of activity in aesthetic surgery. Fellows are board certified for less than 3 years, Juniors are still in training. Every year, the VDAEPC releases statistics on surgical and non-surgical treatments which give an interesting overview over the developments and trends in Aesthetic Surgery in Germany. The VDAEPC cooperates with national and international societies like ISAPS, IMCAS, EASAPS and ASAPS. The main goals of VDAEPC are: - Guarantee of quality and competence through strict admission criteria for its members; - Promotion of research and science in the field of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery as well as teaching and continuing medical education; - Quality assurance by supporting members in the area of quality management.
The Jordanian Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (JSPRS) is a non-profit plastic surgery specialty organization, committed to raise and maintain the standards of the medical practice of plastic surgery in Jordan for the benefit of patients and member surgeons. Founded in 1988, the society represents 100% of all board-certified plastic surgeons in Jordan, making JSPRS the only leading authority for aesthetic/cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeries in Jordan.
SAUDI PLASTIC SURGERY CARE SOCIETY (SPSCS) is a non-profit organization founded on the 8th of August 2018. Its headquarter is located at Al Worood, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Requirement for “Active/full” Membership in the society: 1. Consultant or Specialist Plastic Surgeon 2. Saudi national 3. Must have a permit/valid license from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties Instagram: plastcare
Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS) is a non-profit organization under the umbrella of Emirates Medical Association (EMA), with its headquarter at Dubai, UAE. EPSS Board Members: Dr. Zuhair AlFardan - President Dr. Omar Al Ameri - Vice President Dr. Jamal Jomah - General Secretary Dr. Sanjay Parashar - Chairman of the Scientific Committee Dr. Nahla Mansoori - Chairman of the Cultural Committee Instagram: Epss.uae
Since it was founded in 1980, AAAASF has pursued its mission of patient safety, by setting the highest standards for patient safety in outpatient centers worldwide. AAAASF facilitates patient safety by regularly updating its standards based on patient data and the latest medical literature and requiring facilities to continually self-assess and evolve. Since patient safety knows no borders, AAAASF programs promote global consistency, by applying requirements worldwide. Through these measures, AAAASF aims to improve the performance and safety of the facilities it accredits, and ensure such improvements are continuously maintained. AAAASF accredits and educates thousands of facilities world-wide because we believe patient safety is a human right that does not recognize borders, it is a scientific truth based on our shared humanity, it is not a luxury. Physicians, clinicians, legislators, health authorities, and patients recognize our commitment to patient safety and acknowledge that AAAASF sets the ‘Gold Standard in Accreditation’.