Back to World Congress 2022, Istanbul

Scientific Program

Discover our exciting preliminary scientific program that covers all areas of aesthetic plastic surgery as well as a two-day non-surgical program.

Our Istanbul program will include keynote lectures, live surgeries and demonstrations of non-surgical procedures, master classes, controversies and panel discussions, invited presentations and a free communications program. All of this has been possible thanks to the Program Committee; 

Congress Chair – Nazim Cerkes, MD (Turkey)
EC & Scientific Program Chair – Ozan Sozer, MD (US)
EC & Scientific Program Vice Chair – Francisco Bravo, MD (Spain)
Non-Surgical Program Chair – Reha Yavuzer, MD (Turkey)
Non-Surgical Program Vice Chair – Tim Papadopoulos, MD (Australia)
Non-Surgical Program Vice Chair – Kai Schlaudraff, MD, FEBOPRAS, FMH (Switzerland)


Discover our exciting preliminary scientific program that will cover all areas of aesthetic plastic surgery as well as a two-day non-surgical program.

Invited Faculty

Our Istanbul program will include keynote lectures, live surgeries and demonstrations of non-surgical procedures, master classes, controversies and panel discussions, invited presentations and a free communications program.

Meet the 2022 Congress Committee

Discover the members of the 2022 World Congress Scientific Program Committee.

Learn more

Cadaver Dissection Course

Top surgeons in the aesthetic plastic surgery field conducted a cadaver dissection course covering the face, and body.

ISAPS Women Surgeons' Symposium

Join us to explore how we achieve greater impact, and the unique role women can play in leadership. 

Live Surgeries

Watch Live Surgeries performed by invited faculty at the World Congress 2022, Istanbul.

Watch On Demand

Register to watch on demand. Free Access available for only ISAPS Members can watch a selection of videos from Istanbul on-demand in the ISAPS Video Library.

Sculpture Course

Join an immersive 6-hour sculpture workshop experience on September 20,2022 designed by ISAPS Member, Dr. Baris Cakir where he combines the precision of medical science with the creativity of art, offering a 3D learning experience.