Residents' Symposium
The Residents' Symposium of the ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena, will take place during the Pre-Congress on June 11.
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The Residents' Symposium of the ISAPS World Congress 2024, Cartagena, will take place during the Pre-Congress on June 11.
This symposium is supported by ISAPS Platinum Global Sponsor
June 11, 2024 - 11am to 5:30pm
ISAPS President: Dr. Lina Triana (Colombia)
ISAPS Educational Council Chair: Dr. Ozan Sozer (USA)
ISAPS Residents and E-Learning Chair: Dr. Gustavo Abrile (Argentina)
Module 1: Update in Breast Augmentation Surgery
01. Introduction and Up Date in Breast Implants
Dr. Lina Triana (Colombia)
02. The A,B,C. in Dual Plane Breast Augmentation
Dr. Juan Seren (Argentina)
03. Tips and Tricks in Breast Pexy + Augmentation
Dr. Gustavo Jimenez Ledo (Mexico)
04. Breast Augmentation, my behaviour
Dr. Horia Siclovan, Md (Romania)
Module 2: Basics In Central Face Surgery
Moderator: Dr. Luis Mastronardi (Argentina)
01. Which Technique for Which Nose
Dr. Haldun Kamburoglu (Turkey)
02. Prophiloplasty
Dr. Ersoy Konas (Turkey)
03. Lip Lift, Technical Options, and Associations
Dr. Jerry O’Daniels (USA)
04. Artificial Intelligence in Aesthetics
Dr. Reha Yavuzer (Turkey)
Module 3: Liposuction, Association with Technologies
Moderator: Dr. Sergio Korzin (Argentina)
01. Evolution in Liposuction
Dr. Karishma Kagodu (India)
02. Lipocontour with Technologies: What to know and How to make it safer
Dr. Nora Stanford (Colombia)
03. Safe Undermining in Dynamic High Definition Abdominoplasty
Dr. Filipe Fusinato (Brazil)
04. Gynecomastia Treatment, Liposuction assisted by 3rd Generation Ultrasound
Dr. Zekeriya Tosun (Turkey)
05. The Gluteal Codes: a customizable gluteal Fat Grafting Standardization
Dr. Alvaro Cansancao (Brazil)
Coffee Break
Module 4: Massive Weight Loss, Body Contour Surgery
Moderator: Dr. Alejandro Monsalve (Colombia)
01. Post Bariatric Patient Evaluation and Operating Planning
Dr. Ozay Ozkaya (Turkey)
02. Circumferential and Fleur de Lis Abdominoplasty, Indications
Dr. Gustavo Abrile (Argentina)
03. Upper Body Lift in Post Bariatric Patients
Dr. Tiago Baptista Fernandes (Portugal)
04. Thighs and Arms Surgery, in MWL patients
Dr. Andrea Margara (Italy)
05. Management Strategies for Post MWL patients: Optimizing Outcomes and Reducing Complications
Dr. Rieka Taghizadeh (UK)
Module 5: Female Intimate Surgery / Transgender
Moderator: Dr. Marcelo Maino (Brazil)
01. Female Genitalia Beautification
Dr. Sandra Filiciani (Argentine)
02. Aesthetics and Functional improvements with female intimate surgery
Dr. Catherine Bergeret Galley (France)
03. Scrotal Lifting
Dr. Claudio Thomas (Chile)
04. Masculine Chest-Wall contouring in Transafab patients: A Personal approach and a new Algorithm
Dr. Giulia Lo Russo (Italy)
05. Gender Reassignment Surgery. Lessons Learned over a decade
Dr. Rita Passos Meireles (Portugal)
Module 6: Residency: Are We Training Properly our Residents?
Moderators: Dr. Gustavo Abrile (Argentina) and Dr. Maria Isabel Cadena (Colombia)
01. Dr. Pierluigi Canta (Faculta de Medicina Federico II di Napoli, Italy)
02. Dr. Zekeriya Tosun (Selcut University Konya, Turkey)
03. Dr. Iris Brito (EASAPS Residents Chair, Portugal)
04. Dr. Camilo Serrano (Resident 4th Antioquia University, Colombia)
05. Prof. Lydia Masako Ferreira (UNIFESP, Brazil)
06. Dr. Alfonso Echeverria (Resident Chief HGM, Mexico)