ISAPS Life Membership
Suitable for plastic surgeons who are 70 years old, or older, and who have been ISAPS members for more than 20 years.
ISAPS Annual Global Survey
Accommodation bookings for the Olympiad World Congress 2025, Singapore are offered only through direct bookings on our website. Beware of scams!
Join our Journal Club Webinar this Saturday, March 29th
Suitable for plastic surgeons who are 70 years old, or older, and who have been ISAPS members for more than 20 years.
ISAPS offers free membership to plastic surgeons who are 70 years old, or older, who have been ISAPS members for more than 20 years. Like ISAPS Active members, ISAPS Life members are Full members of our Society, retaining voting rights and the opportunity to volunteer for some of the positions on our Board and committees.
This is our Society's way of saying "thank you for your commitment to our work!".
ISAPS members who want to take up Life Membership and keep in touch with the world of aesthetic plastic surgery can apply for Life membership by writing to the Membership Chair at