Join our speakers at 1PM UTC as they take us through Techniques and Principles of Combined Facial Procedures. Come ready with questions to ask our experts directly about this topic!
Speakers: Patrick Tonnard, Md (Belgium), Hong-Ki Lee, Md (South Korea) and Mario Pelle-Ceravolo, Md (Italy)
Moderators: Parasvekas Kontoes, Md (Greece) and Meivita Devianti, Md, Res (Indonesia)
Lecture Topics:
- MACS lift, fat graft and nanofat injection for facial rejuvenation: the updates - Patrick Tonnard, Md (Belgium)
- The advantages of deep plane facelift over dual plane SMAS lift - Hong-Ki Lee, Md (South Korea)
- Necklift: anatomical dissection matched with technique and clinical outcomes - Mario Pelle-Ceravolo, Md (Italy)
References for further reading:
- A Comparison Between Two Methods of Face-Lift Surgery in Nine Cadavers: SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System) Versus MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension)
- A Comprehensive Ultrasound Investigation of Lower Facial and Neck Structure
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of the High-SMAS Facelift Technique: Objective Clinical Outcomes at 1-year
- Our 40 Years’ Experience on Face and Neck Lift Procedures with High-SMAS Flap Techniques: How to Manage Secondary and Tertiary Surgeries
- Midface Lift Plus Lipofilling Preferential in Patients with Negative Lower Eyelid Vectors: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Objective Assessment of Lower Face and Neck During 1 Year After Rhytidectomy in Asian: When Your Patient Asks You About the Surgical Outcomes